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Preschool Promise is a free preschool program that serves children ages 3 and 4 in families living at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. The program offers culturally relevant preschool in various settings including centers, homes, and schools.
You may qualify for this program if:
Your family resides within
Multnomah County
Your family qualifies for or receives the following assistance services:
You are already on a waitlist for another preschool assistance program
Your family income is less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Level
For more information, visit the Preschool Promise website.
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Providers listed on Preschool Marketplace are referrals, not recommendations.
Earl Boyles provides a fun and welcoming environment for all. We love our community and strive to engage all families that come our way. Our completely enclosed preschool playground has all the fun play structures for the littles, while keeping them safe. The Earl Boyles toys and teachings help children from 3-5 develop social, emotional, and fundamental skills to help ready them for the transition to kindergarten.
Our classes provide instruction in English, plus our teachers have a range of languages including Spanish, Chinese, Cantonese and Arabic.
- A FREE, full day, public preschool in Earl Boyles Elementary School
- A certified David Douglas teacher and two assistants in each classroom
- Breakfast, Lunch and Snack provided
- Beautiful classrooms, play areas, and a community neighborhood center
- Transportation provided for those students whose home school is Earl Boyles.
- Family support and involvement opportunities
- There are only 54 spots available, so apply NOW!
- ONLY children who live in the Earl Boyles school catchment area. This must be verified by showing appropriate documents upon enrollment.
- Families that are at or below 200% the Federal Poverty Guideline
- Children who turn 4 years old by September
To find out more information and to apply: el.ddouglas.k12.or.us
Supported languages
- Arabic (العربيّة)
- Cantonese (廣東話)
- English (English)
- Mandarin Chinese (中文)
- Spanish (español)
Special provider services
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Full day
- Transportation