If you are interested in enrolling at this location, please contact:
All children who will be 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1 and who have a parent or legal guardian living in Multnomah County are eligible for Preschool for All.
You may qualify for this program if:
Your family resides within
Multnomah County
All residents are eligible regardless of income or other status
For more information, visit the Preschool For All website.
More about this provider
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Providers listed on Preschool Marketplace are referrals, not recommendations.
What sets us Apart:
* Preschool For All Pilot Site
* Multilingual curriculum with English, Spanish, and ASL
* Nutritious family-style meals
* Creative, Anti-Biased, Whole Child-Based Curriculum.
* Educated, Skilled, and Dedicated Teachers.
* Staff Certified in CPR, First Aid, and Food Handlers Card.
* Large Indoor and Outdoor Play Spaces.