If you are interested in enrolling at this location, please contact:
All children who will be 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1 and who have a parent or legal guardian living in Multnomah County are eligible for Preschool for All.
You may qualify for this program if:
Your family resides within
Multnomah County
All residents are eligible regardless of income or other status
For more information, visit the Preschool For All website.
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Providers listed on Preschool Marketplace are referrals, not recommendations.
Provide premiere preschool services supporting the whole child—socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically to ensure each child meets his or her potential.
Enrich students’ language, learning experiences, and appreciation of other cultures through methodical implementation of our Spanish immersion program.
Support children’s natural curiosity and sense of wonder through an active learning environment.
Observe, scaffold and direct students’ learning through careful observation and documentation.