If you are interested in enrolling at this location, please contact:
All children who will be 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1 and who have a parent or legal guardian living in Multnomah County are eligible for Preschool for All.
You may qualify for this program if:
Your family resides within
Multnomah County
All residents are eligible regardless of income or other status
For more information, visit the Preschool For All website.
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Providers listed on Preschool Marketplace are referrals, not recommendations.
Our Mission
To value children, their families, and the environments in which they come from.
We give students the tools to blossom and unlock their potential through artistic and creative development, multicultural influenced activities, and overall Social and Emotional readiness that will help them to be successful in Primary School.
-Project based learning
-In-depth explorations of real world ideas and concepts, drawing from students' natural curiosities and interests
-Equally values social, emotional, and academic growth
-Teachers encourage and help foster a positive-self esteem and sense of purpose
-The learning space is seen as flexible an
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-A learning space that recognizes and reflects the varying cultures and ethnicities in the world around us
-Inclusive language
-Dual language
-Family involvement
-Play choices, books, and projects that reflect all cultures and ethnicities
"The children and families served in early childhood programs reflect the ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity of the nation."